General Property Information:
It is not necessary to make a public records request when seeking general property information. Most of the information maintained by this agency is available on our website. Click here to search for a property. Additionally, our friendly Customer Care staff will gladly assist with your inquiries. Contact us at 352-253-2150 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Data Request:
If you are a real estate professional, a private company, or a data brokerage corporation, a public records request is not necessary to acquire tax roll data.
View our price list (PDF) to obtain additional information.
Public Records Request:
Florida is commonly referred to as an “open records” state. Meaning, all records in the custody of a public agency are open for inspection and copying by any person, unless expressly exempt. Only those records that have been specifically identified as confidential per statute, or exempt from disclosure per statute, are exempt from inspection by the public. Florida Statutes, Chapter 119 governs the treatment of public records for the Lake County Property Appraiser’s Office. It is the policy of this office to comply with Florida’s public records law and Florida’s retention schedule for public records.
Florida Statutes, Chapter 119, does not require that your request for public records be made in writing and our office is prohibited from requiring your request be made in writing. However, the law does allow the custodian of the records, or his or her designee, to ask for the request in writing. Therefore, for purposes of clarity and to ensure your request is met fully, completely, and timely, we do respectfully ask that your request be made in writing. Requests will be verified with the requestor to clarify any questions or concerns; and, in the case of large volume requests, to avoid any unnecessary time for retrieval and/or copying costs. A reasonably detailed best-estimate of costs will be provided for staff time and making copies of public records which we are allowed to charge in accordance with F.S. 119.07(4). All charges will be collected before producing the requested documents.
How to Make a Public Records Request:
Email: Email your request to the Records Custodian, Eric Bjorn, at [email protected].
Mail: Send your written request to our office at:
Lake County Property Appraiser’s Office
Attn: Eric Bjorn, Records Custodian
320 W. Main St. Suite A
Tavares, FL 32778
In Person: Visit our office at 320 W. Main St. Suite A. Tavares, FL 32778
Phone: 352-253-2150. Request to speak with Eric Bjorn, Records Custodian.
After You Submit a Request:
Upon receipt of your request, you will be contacted by the Records Custodian to let you know that your request has been received and to clarify any items of uncertainty. We will then work to provide you an estimated delivery date and provide you a reasonably detailed best-estimate of costs.
If you do not hear from this office, please contact Eric Bjorn at 352-253-2150. It’s possible that your request may not have been delivered by the USPS or it may have been blocked by an email spam-filter.